Friday, December 19, 2008

A Little of This and That.....

First, an update on Corban...Most of you who are keeping up via facebook know that Corban, Momma, and Daddy are HOME in San Angelo!! And now those of you who didn't! Just a few days ago, they weren't sure they would make it home before Christmas, but once they removed all his tubes and he started eating from a bottle, he flourished! So much so, that it amazed the doctors and nurses who say that a baby with this condition has never done as well as Corban has! Praise God and glory be only to Him who healed that sweet baby boy!! Anyway, they are home now and finally able to enjoy their little one round the clock!! He is absolutely beautiful!!! For some reason I am having trouble posting a picture of him, so I will work on that!

On to other things...
I haven't really updated on MY family in awhile ;) We are all great! We are visiting my mom's this weekend to have Christmas here and with my extended family...always a blast! The boys love it here and it is always so relaxing for Micah and I! My brother, his fiance (Anna), and her little boy are here today and I am super excited about hanging out with them! Anna's son is just a little older than Seth, so they are having a blast! They are even letting Aiden in on all the fun! They also brought their 2 dogs so it's been a full house with 6 adults, 3 little boys under the age of 4, and 5 dogs!!! It definitely reminds me of Christmas time at my grandmas when I was little because there were all the adults plus 11 cousins! I always wondered why the adults always kept "urging" us to play outside and now I think I finally understand. I just absolutely love Christmas with all of it's nostalgic memories and traditions. But of course most of all I cherish the time we celebrate the birth of our Savior who was given to us in the form of an infant and grew into the man who gave his very life for our salvation!

Not much else has really taken the spotlight in our family! Micah has been home most of December, which is great for us spending family time, but not so good as ministry is what Micah loves and so it's been a long month for him. He actually leaves the day after Christmas for a Winter Retreat at HEB camp, and that is always a highlight for him! I, on the other hand, am left with the aftermath of Christmas which is not so much a highlight for me!! Oh well! The spring looks a lot more promising and Micah's already got 3 events in January! Yahoo!

By the way, earlier this month Dennis Trujillo took our family photos and he did an INCREDIBLE job! Here are just a few....


Shaunna said...

Those pictures are so great- I love them all!!

Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!!

Heather said...

What a beautiful family. The pictures turned out wonderful. Seth looks a lot like his dad, but Aiden favors you a little bit more. Thanks for the update on everything!

Eric and Lar Holquin said...

yay cami i can't believe i didn't know you had this until now!!!:) i'm glad that you found me. i'm a bloggin' fool....i loved looking at your old posts and pics of your boys they are so flippin' cute:) thanks for keeping us posted on corban i was so glad to hear that he made it home for christmas:) love you friend and can't wait to keep up w/ you in another fun way-yay!!! talk to you soon friend!!

catherine shea politte said...

Cami you are STUNNING!!! How fun are those pictures?? I just love them because they capture your personalities so well -- unlike our Olan Mills family portrait!! LOL Hey how did you get your picture on your background like that?!??! You'll have to enlighten me soon.
Love you Cam!

Kari said...

Your fam is so beautiful!

Cara said...

your boys are so big, and what cuties! some day i'll be in texas again, and they can hang out with my lizzie :-) i'm glad you're all doing well!!! merry christmas, happy new year. btw, i need your address so i can send a card :-)