And Mr. Aidie-pots, as we like to call him, is quite the little crack up as well!! He has a memory like a steel-trap door (whatever that means) and doesn't let anyone forget anything!! He can remember the smallest little details about the most random things and times! The other day I was cleaning out some toys and I found a ball that he immediately picked up and said, "member dis ball mama? daddy bought it for me at Sarge's house (my dad) and we frew (threw) it down the stairs? member?" Yes I did remember, and the crazy thing is that the last time we were at my dad's was for Thanksgiving!!! UM, yeah- he remembers that silly little ball from like 5 months ago!! He can remember just about anyone after he meets them one time, and randomly recites scenes from movies! Yesterday, he woke up from his nap SUPER cranky and after trying every trick known to man to appease him, I finally put him on the floor and said, "go for it....throw that fit!" Which seemed to work because he almost immediately stopped crying and began telling me about the "big bad bird" in Horton Hears a Hoo. We haven't even watched that movie in weeks but he told me word for word all about it!! Crazy kid! I just love him!! He is too smart and too cute for his own good and for my patience ;)
Oh yeah, and one last thing. My husband is so amazing and tells me all the time that I am beautiful (even though I beg to differ), but he has also been telling the boys at random times to come over and tell me the same thing. It is the sweetest thing! Anyway, they both will come up to me and say it now without being prompted, and Seth definitely gets it right and says, "mommy, you are beautiful!" And I say, "Thank you sweet boy, and you are so handsome!" He just smiles! And then sweet Aiden, will come over and say, "mommy, I love you..... I so beautiful!" :) I totally get what he is saying, but it's just so funny! Especially with his little personality! Of course I tell him that, yes, he is beautiful!! Can you imagine him pulling that line on some gorgeous girl someday? Hey there...I noticed you from across the room...and I just have to tell you that......I am so beautiful!! HHAHAHA! Bet he won't score a date off that line :)
Here are a few pics. Kinda random for this post, but I forgot that I took them and wanted to post them :) The cute chunky monkey is Corban (one of my best friend's little boy). The boys LOVE him!!! So almost makes me want another baby....almost.
no baby corban here...just MY baby :)
The official name is "Tongue Depressor" nothing fancy. you can order them here:
The slogan is "mind like a steel trap".... you can leave "door" off. It is not a trap door. It is like a bear trap that has the little pad in the middle that when stepped on by even the slightest touch the trap springs shut with its violent teeth. It is quick and agile. Here are a few more thoughts on it.,+have+a
I only tell you these things because i like to pretend that you put them in your blog specifically for me so that i can answer them.
We are supposed to close friday... pray for us. Love you guys so much and am looking forward to being your neighbors. thanks for the great boy stories. I love them.
I was going to tell you that it is a "tongue depressor", but Ryan beat me to it. So instead I will tell you you are beautiful. No, really! I have always thought you were so pretty. Your boys are right and you should start listening to them. I love the stories, but it makes me miss you guys.
sorry K. Booth. i know it is sad an pathetic but the truth is i would have been a little bit bummed if i had gotten here second.
you guys have a great day. all of you.
yea, tongue depressor. :)
cute stories! saw your hubby at gold's this week.
Those stories are quite funny! I have the boy's toys here at the house. We need to get together again soon! I am so happy Sethers thinks Dr. W is shiny. I do too!
i meant "and" not "an". i hate it when i do that.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Cami. I'll tell that little wifey of mine "hello" for you. She is doing well. It is hard to believe that four weeks from right now Asher should be here. (though i continue to encourage him to come on the 21st) I keep picturing you guys coming across the street with your little boys for donuts while the kids play with toys and the grown ups chill in the living room. It is going to be fun. I did make your husband promise not to move away for at least five years. Just so you know.
Cute. Love the stories.
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