So seems like I should have at least added a new post once during the holidays, but I get so distracted viewing everyone else's blogs that by the time I get back to mine...I am exhausted!! Anyone else have this problem? Maybe i should post first, then browse :)
Anyway, I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and time with family (everyone seems to have from the bolgs i have read!)!! I indeed had a wonderful time, but let me tell you that I am SO GLAD to be home! So far, this Christmas, I spent a total of 1 1/2 days actually at home. Crazy, I know! We started off the week before Christmas in Artesia at my mom's house, then came home Christmas Eve, had Christmas day at home/in-laws, left the next day for Clovis, NM with Micah's fam (sans Micah- he was at a winter retreat), traveled to my grandparents on Saturday (they live close to Clovis), then made a trip back to Artesia with my mom so I could help her pack (they are moving to a diff. house)and FINALLY Christmas Eve, my mom took us halfway to meet Micah and we headed home sweet home! Then we had one whole day with Micah before he left on Friday to speak at a college see why I call it "Mariano Madness??" Anyway, minus a few "episodes" here and there, and with all the traveling and shuffling, the boys have done great and have loved time with family. They got to spend some special time with my grandparents, Bibbi and PaPa, who I just absolutely adore! The boys warmed up right away and Aiden loved that PaPa set up a basketball rim for him on the door! We got him one for Christmas and he loves that thing more than any other presents...even the aquarium.
Santa brought the boys lots of fun things and an aquarium was one of them. Seth absolutely loves them and actually said at one point, "I love them and they love me!" So sweet!! He is a big helper already by feeding them and making sure to check the temperature of the tank! Aiden of course is oblivious to the fact that fish now exist in our home and I haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing yet. They also got those huge Kota Triceratops Dinos from Santa at my mom's house and their very first tricycles from Micah's parents...did they rake it in or what?? Poor things have a very messed up view of Santa now, they think he visits everywhere they travel and in fact when we got back to my mom's last Sunday, Seth asked where his presents were...uh oh! Anyway, sorry for the marathon post and here are some pics!

My grandma- Bibbi

Seth in his knight costume

Aiden, playing guitar....of course!

dinosaur sleeping bags...aren't they fun!?

"The Dino's"

our family...micah, me, my mom, Seth, my stepdad, Aiden, my brother, his girlfriend, her son. (Apparently Micah and I are the only ones that heard my aunt, who was taking the pic, say strike a pose!!!)

Aiden jumping with PaPa (my grampa)

Seth on his new bike...Aiden in the background on his tricycle.
P.S.- FINALLY on Christmas Day, I got to hold sweet little Corban! Oh man, he is just the cutest thing and he even smiled at me (I knew I was his favorite)!! I just love that little guy ;) By the way, he is doing SO great!