Sunday, February 22, 2009


Update # 1: Reagan
Reagan is doing MUCH better and hopefully, if her fever doesn't come back, they will get to come home tomorrow!!! The latest diagnosis was that she got some form of the flu, thus causing her congestion/coughing/fever.

Update #2: The Kitchen!!
We are FINALLY making some progress on our renovations. We started almost 2 weeks ago and were sort of in a holding pattern because we were waiting on the guy who did our plumbing to help us cut a hole between the wall that separates the living room and kitchen. Originally the plan was for him to come yesterday (Saturday) so we waited a whole week (basically) thinking we couldn't do anything else until that was done. So Saturday morning came, Micah called, and the guy said he couldn't make it!! Which he also did the first time he was supposed to come do the plumbing work. Great!! Thanks a lot!! He is a great guy, we totally appreciate his help, and I know they are busy, but seriously, if you know you are busy and think you might not make it, then just say I might not make it! Enough of this false hope business!! Anyway, it really ended up being a blessing in disguise because Micah decided to just do it on his own. Now I must say that I completely thought this was not such a great idea at first, because he hadn't done it before. I had this wretched picture of what our "opening" might look like, but there was no stopping him! He came in with that determined look on his face and I was NOT about to stand in his way matter what the outcome ;) I do have to say that I am SO proud of him!! He just got right to work and it looks great so far, granted we still have to sheet rock the bottom, trim it out, and paint it before it's all done! Now we can start on the counter, which ideally was supposed to be done by now..hehehe!! I am not naive enough to think that we are home free with no more problems, but we are at least making progress!! Whoohooo! Very soon my bathtub dish washing days are soon over!! Funny story about that:

So I have been keeping my dish scrubber in the bathroom by the tub for easier access. Yesterday, I was getting Seth dressed and then I walked into the bathroom to find Mr. Aiden Matthew with the DISH scrubber in hand just going to town scrubbing the TOILET!! I said, "Aiden sir! The toilet is nasty, we do not play in it!! YUCK!" To which he replied, Mommy! I help wash dishes!! AHAHAHAHHA I totally cracked up ;) And trashed the contaminated scrubber. I can only hope this was the first time he attempted to "help" me wash dishes!!! The NEW scrubber is now hidden from the mischievous hands of the little squirt!

Here are some pics: It really kinda looks like a disaster zone, and it is, but we are so excited!

The wall that separates the kitchen/living room...before...

Big boy Seth helping daddy! He is so proud!

this was all making me SO nervous!

view from the kitchen to living room (kinda)! It will be GREAT when it's all done :)

all done with demo of the wall! Micah worked on framing the space that will be open, but I didn't take a pic.


Janet said...

I'm glad that Reagan is doing ok. Darn that flu!

Ok, I am totally cracking up about Aiden's "help" with the dishes! That is great! I am also loving what y'all are doing with your kitchen. It will be so great when it is done, and I know y'all will love having an opening to the kitchen.

So I had a terrible day on Friday and was about to call you to get some "coffee" and chat. Actually I don't drink coffee so I was going to see if you wanted to get some ice cream and just hang out or something. However, I ended up talking myself out of it because I worried maybe you didn't do last minute things and who knows what else I thought. I am crazy sometimes. Anyways, if you ever want some girl time let me know! And yes, we do need to have a play date. We are unfortunately sick again over here, so maybe in a few weeks we can try getting together!

Janet said...

Oh, and I have no idea if it was Fox or not in the background of those pics. I'm bad about not paying attention to the TV after nap time, I just have it on in the background! Hehe.

Shaunna said...

Yay for Reagan and yay for progress on your kitchen!

We had some renovations done eariler this year....They were only supposed to take a WEEK at the most...The guy who was doing them kept having "something come up." Needless to say, our week long project took more than a MONTH, and Blake ended up doing most of the work!! Our house was a total disaster zone, and I cried out of frustration more than once, BUT in the end it was all worth it!! Your kitchen is already looking great, and I know you are going to LOVE it when everything is all said and done!

Laura said...

i knew Shaunna would have some sympathy for you. :)

looks great so far. it's fun to do things on your own...and cheaper!

can't wait to see the outcome!`

cls said...

You've always been one of my favorite people in the whole world.

Thank you for your sweet comment.

And my goodness, just looking at the pictures of your kitchen stresses me out! lol.

Heather said...

Can't wait to see the final pictures of the remodeled kitchen. You guys are brave. I don't think that would happen in our future home.

As For Me and My House said...

Hey Cami..
first I want to say thanks for the encouraging comment you left me...I can't tell you what a lift your words gave me...thanks :)

second, Aiden isn't alone...I recently cleaned a toilet with a sink scrubber brush because I couldn't find the toilet one and I wasn't ABOUT to put my hand in there...maybe we should go into business together!

and are such a trooper! I love your creativity and positive attitude. I can't wait to see that kitchen done and I only see it from across the computer screen! haha

Love ya!